01 January 2014

Hello, 2014

[ credit to shutterstock ]

It's 2014.

Am I the only one surprised?

I know my activity on this blog has been way way low. I created this blog to talk about lifestyle stuff. I didn't want to just focus on makeup or books, I wanted a place where I could talk about anything I wanted to talk about. So I created A Fairytale Lifestyle then I got scared that the content I would put up would suck because lifestyle was such a broad subject! Go figure, right?

I'm a little upset I wasn't prepared enough to have seasonal posts/videos when it came to Halloween and Christmas so I'm hoping to do a better job of prepping content this year.

This year I have also decided to not make resolutions. Instead, I'm participating in One Little Word. I'm pretty excited because to not (for once) have resolutions for an entire year is kinda of scary. I need a guide to what I'm doing and to base it all on one word? That's something different!

My One Little Word for 2014 is ---- Happiness.

Yup, that's it.

If it makes me happy, do it. If it doesn't, don't. I want my year to be that simple. Being an adult can suck hardcore. Paying bills, not making enough money, struggling, dealing with all this other extra stuff on top of worry about bills... it can all just be a lot. And it's so easy to scroll through your Facebook and see all these other people buying their first houses, buying new cars, having amazing weddings, going on honeymoons (which I didn't have a honeymoon), the ability to afford kids and have health insurance and it's easy to be bitter. And jealous because your life is nowhere near that.

Well this year, I will try my hardest to stay off Facebook as much as I can (besides networking duties) and focus on me. On my life. On my happiness and not let everyone elses life, define mine. Because we all have our own paths and dealing with day-to-day stressors can make you forget that. So I want to focus on finding my happiness. In being content with where my life is right now even if it's not where I want it to be. I want to assure myself that that is okay.

I do have a few goals I hope to achieve this year as well! Come on, I had to have some sort of list!

  • Read 25 books (for my bookish goals, check the book blog)
  • Post a video/vlog 1 - 2 times a week
  • Put a little more effort into networking
  • Be more organized
  • Exercise 2 - 3 times a week
  • Eat better
  • Learn how to cook more (I'm having fun learning how to cook!)
  • Touch up on baking skills
  • Be better at couponing (and really learn how to budget)
  • Start a savings
  • More productivity, less procrastination!
  • Continue to learn French

Those are the main ones and you know the basic take more pictures, try to sleep earlier, blahblahblah type of goals that you should be doing anyway.  

I need to take better care of myself this year, bottom line. And I need to stop being so lazy. 

So here's to a year of productivity and happiness!

Do you make resolutions? What are they?

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